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Insight Applied: Large Enterprise - SAP Byron Bank, Global VP, Product Marketing, Analytics and Big Data at SAP SAP...
KEYNOTE: PRODUCT MARKETING TO EMPOWERED CUSTOMERS Michael McCune, Senior Executive Advisor, Marketing Leadership...
Insights Applied: Mature Startup - TwentyThree Thomas Madsen-Mygdal, Co-founder CEO of TwentyThree Thomas...
Insight Applied: Mid-size Enterprise - Twilio Manav Khurana, VP Product Marketing at Twilio Manav Khurana, VP of...
KEYNOTE: RETHINK PRODUCT MARKETING. HINT: IT'S NOT MARCOM! Jon Gatrell, Pragmatic Instructor at Pragmatic Marketing...
Insights Applied: Large Enterprise - Intel Jocelyn King, Senior Director at Global Demand Center Jocelyn King from...
Market Competitive Intelligence: Your Competitive Intelligence is Ass-BackwardsAlan Armstrong, Founder CEO at...
Insight and Differentiation in Commodified Markets Glen Drummond, Chief Innovation Officer at Quarry B2B marketing...