Henrik will share what the Singularity University is about and furthermore dive deeper in artificial intelligence. Henrik Føhns is the co-Founder...
by Kaj Sotala, Research Associate at MIRI Machine Intelligence Research Institute
2016 - the year of Virtual Reality. Mads Troelsgaard, Marketing Business Development Manager at Unity Studios will dive into the capabilities of...
Jacob Honore, CEO and Founder at Zaxis will introduce you to two projects - a viking project with 360 video and a visualizer for architects. Jacob...
Friis Moltke Architects
Allan Kirkeby, senior partner at Unity Studios: "plan carefully and start doing something". David Helgason, one of the founders of Unity...
A unique festival with the internet as the focal point Internet Week Denmark is a week-long festival that celebrates the internet. The...
Oliver Repenning, senior manager, digital development innovation, Arla ''We want to explore technologies that can enable arla to become part of...
#Live from Internet Week Denmark: Henrik Føhns, host and anchor on the Harddisken in DR1. ''It's a network effect that you have this explosion...
“Design is attention between yesterday and tomorrow" - Rune Veerasawmy, User Experience Designer at Designit